Friday, May 29, 2020

High school memories

Today came across a fb link
It’s about

【校园】UPMian 看过来!在博大读书的你一定经历过的88件事

So I decide to write down this as memories

Trying to recall back my upm memories 

- 累垮人的大学迎新周。吃饭要吃得很快,睡觉也不够睡。
- 在活动的最后一分钟才出现,拿了merit鬼鬼祟祟地离开
- 大家一起拿着手机准备,网上招募ajk表格一开,就一窝蜂冲进system抢ajk位置
- 遇上了好相处或是奇葩的室友,从此展开了不一般的宿舍生活
- 和室友一起熬夜啃书
- 吐槽宿舍café的食物不好吃
- 在宿舍叫外卖吃。两菜一肉才RM4.50的杂饭太划算了!
- 撸宿舍走廊猫
- UPM虽然没有山没有海,但是有田有地,有牛有羊,有马有鹿
- 校园很大,毕业后也没有走完校园的每个角落
- 太大的校园对路痴来说不是件好事,因为很容易会迷路。
- 等45分钟一趟的学校巴士等到心累
- 赶巴士赶得心惊胆跳,因为巴士司机从不等人,时间一到马上开车出发
- 在风景优美的农场拍照
- 去Old flat复印笔记顺便去吃便宜又美味的杂菜饭和面档
- 和朋友参加社团
- 认识各式各样的人,拓展交际圈
- 去Pesta Ang Pau UPM看表演
- 参加很多event,最后还是单身
- 去Dogathon撸别人家的狗狗
- 每天不是穿event就是穿charity run的衣服搭配长裤去上课
- 第一次在百多人面前present很紧张
- 和系友一起办event如dinner,coursenight
- 和朋友一起相约读书,最后变成聊天大会
- 花痴来自senior或junior的帅哥美女
- 被lecture hall的冷气冷到发抖
- 在lecture hall 吃饭
- 叫朋友帮忙签attendence
- 吐槽学校的网络system很lag
- 上课沉如死鱼,下课活如游龙,考试如临大敌
- 偷拍朋友上课睡觉的模样
- 投诉faculty餐厅的食物很难吃,但还是硬着头皮吃下去 
- 为了要配合老师的讲课速度而把笔记抄得飞快,最后字体却潦草得看不懂自己抄了什么
- 上课时坐立难安,眼睛一直瞄着时间想什么时候会放学
- 考试前四处问tips
- 晚上去考试
- 考完试一定会约朋友吃好料,大肆庆祝一番
- 时间一到冲进system抢course
- 到Sri Serdang去吃McDonalds,喝奶茶等等
- 吃遍了沙登的餐馆与小店的美食
- 去逛沙登夜市
- 和朋友一起倒数毕业的日子
- 期待毕业,但到了毕业那天,难免会和好朋友一起感伤
- 和朋友拍毕业照
- 穿厚重的毕业袍,热到满身大汗
- 扔毕业帽子
- 收捧花礼物收到手软
- 被自己的学弟学妹或Buddy前后簇拥着拍照,忽然成了网红
- 在We Love UPM的字板前留下青春美丽的身影
Wow I got 51 out of 88
😍 upm memories 

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

SHN 14 days

Today, we took flight back to sg.
There is not much people inside the flight especially flight from kl to sg.
There is less than 15 person inside the flight 😱
Even the airport is so empty that there is not much people.
At kl, the custom ppl still ask me:-
- do u get approval at kb? From airport?
I say I got it from police station, they look at each other and laugh
- can u enter sg? We need to quarantine ..they laugh again 🙄

Once we reach sg, those volunteers dy pick up our luggage and put on TOP of the trolley waiting for us 😱 welcome us to reach sg
Then they escort us to one waiting area and then ask us to follow them to take the bus.
It is a surprise stay..they never inform us where we are going to stay 😱
Ok.. we gonna serve 14 days stay home notice at Tanglin hotel by shangrila 😫

Monday, May 25, 2020

Mummy birthday

Today is mum 61th birthday!
Happy birthday mummy
Celebrate these days together with second sister and youngest brother and also his gf
I just realised last year I did celebrated too! Oh ya last year I tender dy since April 2020
We ordered a jelly mousse cake from bold lab for mum,
Unluckily the cake spoiled otw home, when I got it from the cafe..she told me need to be careful as it is licin, but juz otw home 5 min later, the cake melt dy 😢🤦‍♀️
How come like that aiks. the cafe wanna give us cake replacement, but due to we going back sg on 21th May, so we say no to them.

Today we also did Royce chocolate with xo as snack ..yummy

At night we received the news that our another morning flight is delayed! Oh no
We bought mas 1030am to kl and another connecting flight jetstar to sg on 2:45pm
Oh no ..we quickly call the mas and told them if can change the flight ticket.
Luckily manage to change to firefly operated by mas.

As conclusion, I hope I can celebrate these day together for the following years.
😘mummy is the best

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Today is covid 51th days.. opps it had been so Long since 18th March.
Yesterday is the first day which most of the shop in kb is allowed to open.
However lock down period is until 12th March.
So we decided to go back sg after mother day.
Since we go back also need quarantine, so better to go back later 🤣

Past few days I had ordered the fair price delivery for bb ..haha
It’s quite troublesome to order actually, there is full delivery slot most of the time, and whenever I enter the fair price apps, it appear those items oos out of stock 🤣.
I have been trying quite Long to get a delivery slot..
Anyway it’s worth ..a surprise to bb.

Had ordered lots of meats and also biscuits for him.
I wanna feed a fat bb. Hurray.

Friday, March 27, 2020

One month passed, dad how r u there? Miss u.
Today also covid mco day 10. Stay home plan from 14 days extend another two weeks to 14th April 😭.
It’s quite boring, every whr also close, can’t go out.
Only can go out buy groceries and also food.
Cannot eat outside, and every shop also closed at 7pm.
Recently at home, we always baking, as nothing can do.
So far, we have bake a lot of foods
- 白糖糕
- 喜板
- 香兰燕菜
- 香蕉糕
- 馒头
- 黑斑牛油蛋糕
- 萝卜糕
- 豆花燕菜
- orange chiffon
- chocolate moist cake

Saturday, March 21, 2020

I am back after few years Long never write blog dy.
Well, I wish to write a blog about my dad.
Daddy, I miss you!
I lost my dad on 27 February 2020 :( 
I dint manage to c him 最后一面
His death is so sudden, thought he is recovering, but he suddenly got internal bleeding and passed away.
I can’t really forgive myself as I dint rush back to see him. 
Seriously I don’t knw his situation is so dangerous 😭
Can u imagine, he just admitted to hospital the night before and
On the next day he do scoping at morning and passed away at night 😭
I shall not going back sg so soon on early February or else I can acc him a while more.

For the past five months, I had been taking care of my dad all the while.
Sometime, I am quite pissed with him. It’s really not easy to take care a cancer patient.
He tend to be quite emo sometime.
Especially when he couldn’t sleep 😭, will scold us.

I wish to jot down what is happening on this few months.
Well, I have my rom on 30 August 2019 at Singapore.
Before this, since July 2019 I have quit my job as auditor, and I went back hometown and will be going back to Singapore with my parents to attend the rom.
On 27 August 2019, I bring my parents travel to sg, yeah this time got direct flight with scoot.
Oh ya, this time my dad enter Singapore as Malaysian. He is happy to back to his hometown.
When pass the custom, we are quite worry dad will be on hold by them. Luckily, he passed.
First few days, dad still can go out with us happily.
We still bring him to go sea aquarium as well.
However, he started feeling not well on that night, we spotted his faeces got blood 😭
We are shocked and then dad can’t really laying down properly, can’t walk properly, no energy
What happened to him! We are so worried about him but he refused to go hospital! 
On my rom that day, he choose to stay outside and not going in to see my registration process.
I’m quite sad but he is suffering 😭
Is it I shouldn’t registered at Singapore, if I am not having rom at there, may be he won’t sick? 

After few days, I changed my plan and have to go back hometown with parents as my dad is very weak and may need someone to follow. 
After home, dad is still weak and couldn’t sleep at night 
We bring him to c doctor foo at first and doctor use ultrasound to c and suspect my dad got cancer, he quickly recommend us to go hospital usm and do ct scan.
For the next two days, we went there, but the ppl ask dad to Puasa and q to c if able to do ct scan. Wait, wait and wait.. how Long u all Wan dad to fasting, after that we bring dad back.
On that night, my aunt come to visit us, she ask us to bring dad to kl immediately on tomorrow morning. Why? Why we never think to go kl immediately, dad had been suffering for few days.

The next day, I went to kl with my parents , and my bro join us later as he want to get the referral letter from the clinic doc. We went Sjmc for the first time. Doctor was diagnose with stage 4 cholangiocarcinoma cancer. All of us cry badly, and doctor say dad may have only 6months life span 😭. At first, they thought it is liver cancer as his liver there have the big tumour, but after they do biopsy, and pet ct scan, they found out dad having cholangiocarcinoma cancer, actually this cancer is quite advance and which is not common in Asia, the possibility of staying alive is quite Low. 

After that, the doctor say the only way dad can do is only going through chemotherapy which may help to minimise the tumour size, and dad may not feeling so suffer. And this kind of cancer can’t do any operation, only chemotherapy may help, but the chances is only 30%.
Afterwards, we trying very hard to persuade dad to do the chemotherapy, and finally he agreed to do. 
We knew that chemotherapy got many side effects, but this is the only way for him to stay even longer, or else dad may leave us after one month or lesser, as his cancer is so advance, the tumour size is about 10cm and above. Well, dad did his first chemotherapy at Sjmc. 
After one cycle of chemotherapy, he feel suffer, got constipation, vomit and others. He told us he want to quit already, and the doctor also follow dad decision. 

After back to hometown, we trying hard to persuade dad to continue the chemotherapy. While my brother went to another hospital, beacon hospital to seek for second opinion. Based on the current situation, the doctor also mention dad shouldn’t give up and should continue go for chemotherapy which is the only chances for him to live longer. Well, this round we went down to kl, we told dad that we go for another hospital to ask, see if he want to continue, the doctor keep explaining to dad and encourage him to do chemotherapy. Finally dad agree to do it. 
But I doubt the doctor expertise, as whenever my dad say any parts of his body is uncomfortable, he will ask us to do scanning all those. At first, my dad mention his stomach not feeling well, he suggest to do ultrasound, mention may have water in the stomach, but my dad’s leg and hand is not bloated, how can it be got water inside, which we have also just did the draining one month before.
However, good things is that he can encourage my dad to continue chemotherapy, that’s why we proceed to do there.

We had been travelled to kl quite frequent as my dad undergo chemotherapy there. One cycle of chemo is splitted into two times of injections. He need go for second injection after one week. And he may rest for third week. So usually we went back to hometown after two days of second injection. 
During that period, dad always having fever after his chemotherapy, we are so worry all the while. Sometime we are not sure if it’s infection or is it normal (the side effect of the chemo). 
The fever also result in delay of the chemotherapy. So dad delay his treatment after second and third injection. 

It is not ease to go kl also as we don’t have accommodation and transport there. We need to book Airbnb, flight ticket whenever travel to there. And every time experience different Airbnb. Well, it is not ease for my parents as they are quite old dy, hardly accommodate them easily 😭 quite pity them sometime. I still remember we did book a Airbnb which is quite small, it’s a one bedroom type which the owner changed the living room become bedroom as well, so angry of him.
Dad can’t really sleep during that period, keep switch bed with me, this screen is still appearing on my mind as at now. Within one week, we decide to change another bigger Airbnb, we can’t forgt the small house which 400 square feet which need fit 4 of us. How can it be? Somemore there is cancer patient and Everyday we saw ant crawling on our food..yucks! 

I’m lucky that my dad can still attend my wedding on 8th and 30th November 2019. 
Its great that dad can attend both day wedding. After my wedding on 30th nov, dad having fever again, and been hospitalised at beacon. After few days, he is discharged and back hometown together with me and my mum. But unluckily, he can’t fall aslp again when back to home, my sister quickly bring him back to beacon again. This round he had been hospitalised for around one week plus. Doctor recheck everything, do pet ct scan, ultrasound, X-ray, ecg, mri scan. Everything looks no big issue, but dad still can’t fall asleep well 😫 the pet ct scan result turn out good, dad tumour size is getting smaller, which means the chemotherapy is effective! We are so happy with the results and ask dad not to worry. For the first few days after the hospitalisation, he can sleep a little bit well dy. But it happen again after that, he can’t slp and keep ask us for sleeping pill, after that we bring him to go seek for 神经科医生. Doctor also mention it may b relate to mental problem if dad still can’t sleep. So I bring dad to go visit the mental doctor and he keep mention 人很烦,很多东西烦 and advise dad must fight the virus. Afterwards, dad eat his pill and back to normal.

Afterwards January and February, my dad started can sleep already at night. Won’t wake up at the midnight so frequent as usual. We also happy as he is recovering. But unfortunately, he leave us so soon. However, he left us with no pain. Just that two days. Before this, he is healthy as he dy stop chemotherapy since mid nov 2019. We did persuade him to continue to do chemotherapy, however he always refuse to do. And the corono virus in 2019 also result us not dare to bring him travel to kl and continue the treatment. 人算不如天算,dad is not passed away because of the virus, but because of the sudden internal bleeding esophageal varices which also relate to his cancer. 
This internal bleeding had been suspected since he enter Sjmc, luckily it is not happened that time, we have another 6 months to accompany him.